The lesson Monitoring form is key to the success of the classroom Monitoring within SchooliP. It is essential that the form is correct before any monitoring is performed. The form consists of a series of questions that are completed by the Observer either during the lesson or at a later time.
In order to commence with the classroom Monitoring we need to first generate the questions to be answered during these Monitoring. Along with setting up the lists of other information that is used in a staff review.
Schools can use more than one Monitoring form. The Monitoring Forms for your school will be added when your school is setup on SchooliP, however if you wish to create your own form, follow the instructions below.
NOTE: This is best done when all of the information has been added to the other sections, as this information is used to populate the form.
The Monitoring Forms that are currently on your system are shown. To preview a form, click on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the form. To edit a form, click on the form name or the pencil icon.
- To add Monitoring form click on the + icon to the top right of the table..
Details Tab
Form Name - Enter the form name.
Monitoring Focus - enter a default focus for Monitoring that use this form (if required).
Requires grading - tick this box if you want this form to have gradings.
Own Monitoring - tick this box if you want this form to be available to users adding their own Monitoring in their work area.
Horizontal Grading - tick this box if you would like the judgements to be displayed horizontally across the form. When this is selected all of the judgements can be seen at the same time.
Questions tab
- To add questions, click on Add Question.
- Select the questions for the new form and click on Add.
- Drag and drop the questions to re-order the list.
Question Headers Tab
Each Monitoring form has a section at the top allowing the Observer to add the header information about the Monitoring, for example No. of Students, Class Name etc.
- Select the headings that will appear at the top of the Monitoring form, by placing a tick in the box next to the headings required on your form.
- If you wish the question header to be mandatory, place a tick in the mandatory tick box to the right of the list.
- Some of the items in this list appear as sections within the form, for example Comments and Areas for Development. If you would like the Areas for Development to be automatically copied in to the staff review period, choose the Areas for Development Linked to the Staff Members option.
Staff Member Types tab
This tab allows you to select the staff member types that this form can be used for. Therefore only the relevant forms for that member of staff will be shown when scheduling a lesson Monitoring.
- Tick the staff member types that you would like this form to show for.
Gradings tab
This tab allows you to select the grading types that you would like to use for the overall grading of the form.
- Select the required type from the Grading Type drop down.
- Enter the guidance for the gradings, if required.
Once all of the settings have been selected for the new Monitoring form click on Add to save the form.
To make Monitoring form inactive:-
- Click on the bin icon to the right of the form.
To restore Monitoring form:-
- Change the Status drop down to Inactive.
- Click on the Restore icon to the right of the form that you would like to restore.
To make a copy of Monitoring form:-
- Click on the copy icon to the right of the form that you would like to copy.
- Enter the name of the new form.
- Click on Copy.
Forms can be previewed using the magnifying glass icon to the right of the form.