A new Question Header has been added to the system to allow the observers for monitoring forms to indicate the lesson period the monitoring was carried out.
The new Question Header is a dropdown selector, so to use this you will first add the options you want to make available.
To achieve this:
Location: Settings, Review, Monitoring, Lesson Plan
Repeat the steps above until you have all the options you want
How to add the new Question Header to an existing form or a new form
Location: Settings, Review, Monitoring, Forms
This will now become available at the top of the monitoring form
The system now has a new status available against CPD Records to indicate if the staff member was the trainer for the CPD.
Once the course has been added to the staff member
See the following guides on how to do this
To add CPD as the CPD Coordinator and then assign to staff
Once the CPD has been assigned to the staff member you can set the Status of the CPD to Deliver by editing the CPD record from the portfolio or the CPD Activities/Course report screen under CPD on the Main menu
You will also be able to filter the CPD Activities/Course report using the Status filter with the value set to delivered to see which staff have delivered your courses.
The restore button on the staff members page has been moved from the top right of the staff members table to the top of the screen next to the Add Staff button.
NB: The restore button will only display if staff are in the restore area.
A CPD Coordinator can now change the CPD Category or Type for a staff member's CPD.
This will allow the CPD Coordinators to correct these fields where a staff member has raised them incorrectly in their portfolio.
This can be done from the CPD Activities/Courses screen under CPD in the main menu
The main reports button and the export button now include the Course Description
The export button at the top of the results tables will now include the option to include 'Link To' items such as Staff Objectives, Development Objectives and evidence etc.
To include this in your report Click the Export button and then select the Data tab on the Export pop-up and then tick the 'Link To' Checkbox followed by clicking Export to generate the report
There are two new settings available in Setting, Review, and General, which allow the performance criteria section and/or evidence tab to be hidden in the staff objectives
To hide the performance criteria section the checkbox next to the option 'how Performance Criteria when adding an objective?' has to be unticked and then the settings saved.
To hide the Evidence Tab the checkbox next to the option 'Show the Evidence tab when adding an objective?' has to be unticked and then the settings saved.
NB: The default setting in the system is for these fields to be enabled
Staff Member screen filter for line manager can be set to look for 'Not Set'and 'Nobody'
Select the Filter option Line Manager and enter the value as 'Not Set' and/or 'Nobody' then click search to return the staff where the Line Manager has been set not to report to anyone in the system.
CPD Coordinators can now update costs against completed CPD
The staff member will need to have the following rights added to their rights group or specific rights
Updated Standard User Rights
NB: this will give the option to all the staff within that Standard User Rights Group
Update Individuals Rights
To update the CPD costs go to CPD on the main menu then select the CPD Activities/Courses section
Clicking the Title of the course the CPD edit screen will appear allowing you to change the costs and then save
The first phase of improvements to the data provided by the system audits in the settings.
System Audits have had the data that is provided in the audit improved to include additional information for the administrators.
These changes have been made to the Portfolio evidence, portfolio and policies.
Further changes will be made over the next updates for additional information and areas.
To see the system audit the user needs to have the following right:
Location: Settings, Staff, Standard User Rights, then edit a rights group and select the System section.
Right: Allow the user to view all the auditing information.
This right will turn on the System Audit option in the settings
Changes have been made to improve the loading of the My Staff screen and filtering of the page
the "Import Standards" feature has been enhanced to serve two purposes now:
This update likely simplifies the process by centralizing both importing and updating tasks into one feature, ensuring a more streamlined workflow.
To update/import standards for the system go to Settings, Review, then Standards.
Use the Import Update Standards button to load the list of standards that can be imported into the system and select the standards type to be imported
Click next, set the end date which is normally the end date of your review cycle and tick the Roles to be associated with the standards.
NB: You can add new roles to the system from this screen, but the new role needs to be applied to the appropriate staff members to ensure the allocation of the standards.
Click Next to see a summary of what is being imported or updated followed by Import.
The importer will now check to see if these Standards are already in the system and make the changes indicated in your selections.
NB: If the Standards have been previously archived it will restore them and make the changes indicated.
A new filter has been added to the CPD Activities/Courses screen for CPD Request Status.
The new filter can be enabled by going to Settings, Review, CPD and tick setting 'Show all status on CPD Activities report?'.
This will then add the filter 'Request Status' option to the filter dropdown allowing you to filter by Pending, Approved or Rejected.
The My Staff Monitoring table has been altered to display the information in the same format as the main My Reports, Monitoring screen.
The columns have been reordered to be Date, Focus, Form, Staff Member and then Observer
The reports screens will now show the start time and end time for the course as part of the date columns
In Settings, Review, Objectives and then Standard Objective a new column has been added to allow the user to see the roles associated with each of the standard objectives and the ability to filter using the search at the top of the column
The new policy reports have been enabled for all users with the 'Manage Policies' right within their rights group.
The reports are available via the Policies Screen using the 'Reports' button at the top of the page and selecting the report you want to run.
A dictionary change has been made to the Review Period Grading in the My Report this will now be shown as Review Periods in the system and be at the top of the My Reports listing
A dictionary change has been made to the My Account in the My Details this will now be shown as My Portfolio.
Where a settings cog icon is available on the page the system can now be set to open in a new tab
The new setting can be activated by going to settings, Installation type (School, College, Company) and then settings.
Here tick the option 'Open settings in new tab?' and then save settings
An option has been added to the system to force the filters to be expanded on the pages where available to the user
Example: Development plan
The new setting can be found in settings, school, settings
Tick the s'Expand the filter control on all pages' and then Save Settings
Reports for the following sections of the system have been changed to a ne format in the system.
By select the Reports button at the top of the page this will open a new reports page allowing you to download the data from the screen you are in using the new format.
Example of the new report.
The CPD Export button on the CPD Activities and CPD Request will now give the user the option to include costs and cost codes in the export.
This is done by selecting the export button on screen and then in the Data Tab ticking these two fields to be included.
When exported the fields will show on the report (Excel Example below)
A new setting has been added to the system in Settings, Review, CPD, and CPD settings to make the 'How will this support overall department/faculty targets?' mandatory for staff to ensure this field is filled in.
New Setting: How will this support overall department/faculty targets? Mandatory?
Selecting this will make the field mandatory on the 'Link To' tab when adding CPD from the portfolio.
The CPD coordinator can now update the CPD Cover costs for approved CPD Requests in the system.
This uses the CPD Coordinator flag within the user Account to allow the user to do this
The toggle for the standards on the 'My Staff screen' used to switch between the ratings from the 'Reviewee' and the 'Reviewer' has been changed to a button at the top of the column.
Clicking the button will switch the standards rating between the two sets of ratings on the screen.
The Reviewer ratings
The Reviewee ratings
The Review Period Grading report now displays the staff department(s) on screen and within the reports.
For the export report you will need to select the Department option in the data tab for it to be included
The 'Link To' field has been added to the Areas for Development to allow the user adding the item to link it to other items within the portfolio in same way as you can for evidence.
The CPD courses can now be linked to specific cost codes for budgets.
To add the cost codes to the system go to Settings, School and then Cost Codes.
Click the Add Cost Code to enter the codes you require to be set against the CPD
NB: These Cost Codes can also be used in the Development Plan against the activities, and resources tab.
A new dropdown selector has been added to the CPD Courses screen to allow the Cost Code to be selected.
The restore screens will now show who archived the item from the portfolio
This will show the staff member for Objectives, Monitoring,
This is also displayed from the archived reviews accessed from the Staff Summary, Manager Reviews screen
Selecting Close on the Objective screen will now ask the user to confirm the action if the system detects a change to the data to prevent the data from being lost by accident
A new right has been added to the system to allow the interim reviews to be hidden from users whilst still allowing access to all other items within the portfolio review
New Right: Hide Interim Reviews
This right can be found in the Settings, Staff, Standard User Rights and then under the Users and Groups section
A Rich Text Editor has been added to the CPD Courses screen for the description to allow tables, image and links to be added.
A new right has been added to allow the user to remove the quick filters from the Report screens regardless of who has added them.
To add the rights go to Settings, Staff, Standard User Rights and then edit the rights group for the user and select the GUI section of the rights.
Here you will find the new user right 'Filters - ability to delete all filters'.
Additional filtering has been added to the staff members screen to allow the user to filter the staff list by Roles, Department, and/or User Rights etc.
The filtering has been added to the top of the screen and multiple filters can now be selected to allow users to filter by multiple filters by clicking the + icon.
The review grading report now includes the staff members' department(s) as part of the report screen and exports.
The CPD Reports screen now includes a column to show the provider for the course and is also included in the export.
Users can now link evidence from their portfolio to an SDP Objective in the development plan with a new checkbox.
When a staff objective is linked to an SDP Objective the user will get the option to link the evidence to the SDP objective by ticking the 'Add evidence to SDP Objectvie' checkbox.
A new graph has been added to the CPD Areas for Development report screen to show the Development Focus.
As part of the standard objectives the users can add actions and now they can be set with default due dates.
The Staff Members screen now has the option to show the collaborators for the current review cycle on the screen.
Two new settings have been added to allow this in the Settings->Staff_>Settings
New settings:
If only the 'Show collaborators column on the staff members screen?' is selected it will add a new column with the Icon for Collaborators which will show a tooltip with the collaborators name(s)
If both Setting are selected it will add the column but display the collaborators full name in the column
CPD Controlled Courses can now be copied in the Setting->Review->CPD->CPD Activities/Courses.
Next to each of the course records in the tab there is now an paper icon that will allow you to copy the details from the description but you will need to add a new Title, Cost, Provider and Dates
Once you add the course you will be able to assign it to staff from the main CPD Activities/Courses area using the Assign Staff button
NB: CPD Coordinators will need to have the following rights added to allow them to access this area.
To set the rights you can either set them at group level or at user level
Setting at groups level go to Settings, Staff, Standard user rights, edit the group of the CPD Coordinator
Under the setting section tick the following
Now Go to the CPD Section of the rights and tick:
To set this at user level go to the Staff Member screen and find the user, then click the edit pencil.
Once there account loads click the edit pencil next to the user rights dropdown and this will load their personal rights where you will be able to set the above rights just for them
We would recommend using the user option or making a copy of the group rights to apply to the CPD Coordinator
New setting have now been added to the system to allow individual tabs to be turned on and off for activities in the Development plan.
To change the configuration of the activities go to Settings->Development Plan->Activities
So when the option is unticked this will hide the relevant tab from the Activity screen
A new export option has been added to the system which will download the Staff Summary Report and all the evidence added to the review into one Zip File.
To export the data for the selected review click the export button on the staff members portfolio screen
NB: for the Export button to appear the user requires the following right to be set under the Performance Management section of the user rights
Once the export button has been selected the Zip file will be downloaded into your download folder as below:
When you open the Zip file it will show the files and staff summary
A new warning screen has been added to help prevent the duplication of staff reviews.
If a user tries to start a review for a staff member that has a review that falls within the dates set then they will be given the following screen to either tick the checkbox to confirm they want to continue or they can select to go to the current open review.
Within the Portfolio, the Collaborator table will now display the staff members' line manager by default
Please Note:
The line manager will be displayed at the top of the table and can not be removed
The My Staff tab on the Home screen can now be filtered
The filters include the option to filter by the review status allowing you see which reviews have been completed or are still open.
The filtering has been altered to allow the objective screen to be filtered by linked items as well as the objective status
The system now will show the time that a member has accrued over a set period that is being looked at.
The staff member can set the duration of the courses against the course by editing the dates set for the course once added.
Once set the system will calculate the duration and display it on both the Portfolio CPD Activities screen and the CPD Activities screen available to the CPD Coordinators.
CPD Activities/Courses
On both of these screens at the bottom of the table, it will show the total number of time.
You can now link Areas for Development to monitoring forms by clicking the Monitoring dropdown and selecting the form within the Areas for Development screen.
The Improvement Plan Activities can now be linked to the CPD Activities and Courses within the portfolio.
When adding or editing the CPD Course in the portfolio you can now use the link to tab to link the Improvement PLan Activities using the dropdown
The CPD Areas for Development screen now includes a status chart
Selecting each segment will filter the results table down to the selected status.
A user that has a multi-centre account set up within their trust can now switch schools without having to log out and back in.
Simply select the centre selection option at the top right of the screen and click the centre you want to change to.
Please Note:
1. The centre will only be listed if it has been set with the same email and password.
2. Will only show the centres connected to Single Sign-On if using Single Sign-On (Any centre not using single sign-on for the trust will not be listed)
When bulk adding a Self-reflection from to reviews it failed to add the line manager when the option was ticked against the form
The option is available on the Edit monitoring ->Options Tab
When you now have this selected and bulk add the form it sets both the User and their line managers as observers.
A new setting has been added for the Azure Sign-On settings screen to prevent the Single Sign-ON from creating new accounts.
Setting: "Automatically Create New User Accounts?"
The setting is available in Settings->School->SSO and is defaulted to on.
The login screen now has the Help and Live Chat options available for you to get help with login issues.
The Improvement Plan filter for Priorities now includes the option to filter to objectives which don't have a priority set against them.
The system will now allow you to order the Objective Action by the due date in the staff members' portfolio using the ordering arrows at the top of the due date column
Users with multiple accounts from within a trust system had to previously log into each centre to set the policy to Agreed or Viewed.
We have made a change that will now set the Policy at each centre when it is viewed at one centre
At the Trust level when viewing the Policies history tab it now shows the centre where the user has acted on that policy.
Previously the Approve had to first Approve a policy and then either Agree or view the policy to complete the process for their account.
The system has been changed so when the Approve set the policy to approved it auto sets the policy to show they have agreed or viewed that policy
A new guidance option has been added to the policy screen. Access to this is controlled via a new right.
This will allow the administrator to write guidance on what the policy should contain and then this guidance is shown to the owner of the policy when adding/editing.
A new chart has been added to the development plan to show the status of all the monitoring tasks.
A new lookup has been added to the development plan to allow the monitoring type to be defined. This can then be set when adding a monitoring item.
The selection options in the audit have been changed to support HTML - this allows for better formatting of the audit.
The size of the field for the class name has been increased.
Welcome to the new Derventio Help Centre. The help centre is a single repository for all the help you will require for the Derventio applications.
Guides - All of the guides (how do i's) can now be found in the help centre. We will be adding lots more guides over the coming months. Click here to view the guides.
Change Log - information on all the latest releases can be found within the change log.
Note: if you are not sure about any of the updates then please get in touch with the team - customercare@derventioeducation.com - they will always be happy to help.
In the previous version, the CPD request was available to users within the software. Following requests from a number of users we have introduced a new right to control access to this feature.
By default, this has been turned on for all users so their experience of the software is unchanged.
If you wish to stop users from making requests then the administrator will need to update the rights against Standard User Groups. This option can be found in the staff settings section.
Select the group that you wish to change by clicking on the name. This will display the rights page.
The new right can be found at the top of the list within the CPD section.
A new Report option is now available within the Audit section.
Navigate to any of the audits that you are currently using and you will now see a new Report icon at the top of the screen.
Selecting this icon will allow you to print off a professional report of your audit.
Note: if you are not using the audit module and would like to find out more then please get in touch with the team - customercare@derventioeducation.com - they will always be happy to help
An issue was reported with the reminder emails within the policy module. This has been rectified and all emails are now being delivered.