Document Settings



This page allows you to control the settings used against documents on the Documents page.

Types Tab

This page allows you to add and edit the Types used against Documents in the Documents page for filtering.


To add a new Type to the list, click on the plus symbol in the top right corner of the table.


To edit a Type, click on the pencil symbol next to the record you wish to edit.

This will open a popup showing the Title and associated colour, once you have made your changes select Save.

Make Inactive

To make a Type inactive, click on the bin symbol next to the record you wish to make inactive.

Make Active

To make a Type active again, change the Status drop down to Inactive and then click on the recycle symbol next to the record you wish to make active.

Change Order

To change the order of the list, click and hold on the three lines symbol next to the record you wish to move, then drag the item up or down the list.

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