Bulk Open Reviews
This section allows you to open reviews for a multiple staff.
Any default information that you would like to appear in these reviews can be added in the Performance Management settings.
- To start reviews for a multiple staff, in the Open Review box, click on Start.
- The title and dates for the reviews can be edited. However, any default information that has been entered in the settings will be shown.
- Click on Next.
- To add any standard objectives, standard Monitoring and standards to the reviews, ensure that the relevant boxes are ticked. These will be allocated to staff as per the Staff Member type settings against them.
- Then, select the staff that the reviews are to be opened for. The filters at the top of the dialog can help to filter the staff list.
- Use the arrows to send the selected staff to the right-hand box.
- Click on Next.
- Review the information, if you are happy with this, click on Open reviews, if not you can cancel the action by clicking on Cancel or use the Back button to move to the previous screen.
Bulk Close Reviews
This section allows you to close reviews for a multiple staff in one action.
- To close reviews for a multiple staff, in the Close Review box, click on Start.
- Enter a date range for which you would like the reviews to be closed. This will find any reviews with start and end dates within these dates. You can also enter a title, this will only close reviews that have this specific title.
- All open reviews within these dates will be shown, any reviews that you do not want to close can be deselected.
- Once this list has been reviewed, click on Close Reviews to close all of the selected reviews. This will close all of these reviews in their current state, no statuses will be altered.