The Review form is displayed. This will automatically contain any Standard Monitoring, Standard Objectives and the full list of Standards.
- Enter a Title for the review.
- The Start Date and End Date will default to the academic year that has been set in your system. The date can be changed by clicking on the calendar icon or manually typing the date in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
Objectives tab
- Review any standard objectives (if shown), if they are not applicable, select the objective by placing a tick in the box to the left of the objective and click on Remove Objective.
- If a standard objective has been removed by mistake, standard objectives can be added by clicking on the Manage Standard Objectives button.
- To set a new objective for the staff member, click on the Add Objective button.
- Complete the details in the Add Objective window.
Details Tab
This tab contains all of the details for the objective being set for the member of staff.
Type - choose the type of objective, i.e. whether it is Priority (relates to one of the Whole School Priorities), SDP (relates to one of the School Development Plan Objectives) or Personal.
Option - select the Priority or SDP Objective that the objective is linked to (if relevant).
Objective - enter the objective, i.e. what is to be achieved.
Performance Criteria - enter the performance criteria for the objective, i.e. what success would look like at the end of the cycle.
Due Date - add a due date for the objective.
Evidence Tab
Evidence - this is where we need to stipulate to the staff member, what type of evidence we are looking for them to upload, to illustrate that they have met this objective i.e. Lesson Plans, examples of students work, etc.
Actions Tab
Actions - use the to the top right of the table to add an action, due date and status.
- Click on Add to save the objective.
Monitoring tab
Similarly to the objectives, the standard Monitoring appear automatically in the form.
- To edit the details of the standard Monitoring, click on the Focus of the Monitoring.
- To remove a standard Monitoring select it and click on the Remove Monitoring button.
- To add Monitoring back in to the form click on the Manage Standard Monitoring button.
- To add a new Monitoring, click on the Add Monitoring button.
The Add Monitoring window is shown. Enter the details of the Monitoring as described below.
Form - select the form to be used for the Monitoring.
Focus - enter the text stating the focus of the Monitoring.
Date - enter the date of the Monitoring.
Observer - select the Observer from the drop down list.
Purpose - select the purpose of the Monitoring from the list.
Comments - enter any additional comments for the Monitoring.
- Click on Add to add the Monitoring.
The standards that are applicable to this staff member should be shown
- The standards shown can be removed by selecting the standard and clicking on the Remove Standards button.
- The standards shown can be removed by selecting the standard and clicking on the Remove Standards button
- To remove more than one standard, use the tick next to the title.
This will select all of the standards, then remove the tick from just the standards that are required.
- Click on the Remove Standards button bin icon
Areas for Development
Finally, any Areas for Development can be added to the review.
- Click on the Add Area for Development button.
- This will display the Add Areas for Development window. Enter the detail for the area for development as detailed below.
Focus - select a focus of the development from the drop down list.
Area - identify the area that requires attention.
Action - detail the action required to correct this.
Due Date - enter a due date for the area for development. - Click on Add to add the Area for Development to the review.
If both parties are happy with the contents of the review, click on What Next?, Agree Targets.
- Both parties should now enter their passwords.
- Click on Agree.
If you want to cancel the meeting click on What Next?, Cancel Meeting. This will delete this meeting.