Objective Details



  • Type - the type of the objective, i.e. whether it is Priority (relates to one of the Whole School Priorities), Personal or SDP (relates to one of the School Development Plan Objectives).
  • Priority - the Priority that the objective is linked to (if relevant).
  • Objective - the objective, i.e. what is to be achieved.
  • Performance Criteria - the performance criteria for the objective, i.e. what success would look like at the end of the cycle.
  • Status - the current status of the objective.
  • Due Date - due date of the objective.


Is where we need to stipulate to the staff member, what type of evidence we are looking for them to upload, to illustrate that they have met this objective i.e. Lesson Plans, examples of students work, etc.

Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save any changes.

You may be asked for both the passwords to allow this change, enter both passwords and click Save.

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