Email notifications are used to inform members of staff that they need to do something within the system or that something has happened that they may need to review.
There are a number of different events and it may not be necessary for all of these to be turned on, these can be turned off individually if they are not required.
Email notification settings are managed across the different Settings pages.
A section for each area where these can be turned on/off is shown below.
Note that if the Settings menu is not visible, rights will not have been given to see that area.
General Appraisal
Email Reminders
To set when Staff appraisal reminders are sent out, select Settings - Review Settings - Email Reminders, or click here
Tick/untick the boxes to turn on or off each feature and enter the number of days before an activity is due for completion (i.e. a Monitoring activity) for the notifications to start.
Click ‘Save Settings’ to save any changes
General Emails
To turn on or off individual reminders select Settings - General - General Emails, or click here.
A list of all the reminders for Staff Appraisal will be displayed as below,
Either tick or untick the box next to the notification title to turn it on or off.
Do this for each notification and click the Save Settings button when finished.
Note : All the other Notification settings sections follow the same format.
Staff Objectives
To turn on or off individual reminders select Settings - Review Settings - Objectives - Objective Emails, or click here.
To turn on or off individual reminders select Settings - Self-Evaluation Settings - Emails, or click here.