How do I add evidence to an SEF?



You can start adding evidence to an SEF by firstly going to Self-Evaluation on the left-hand sidebar.

From the dropdown that appears, select Dashboard


Under the subtitle ‘Self-Evaluation’ you will be presented with a list of all your self-evaluation forms, select the form you wish to work on

Click on the question you want to add evidence to, once the self-evaluation form has loaded go to the Evidence tab

Click on ‘+’ to add evidence


Details Tab

Folder - Select the group you would like to store the evidence against

Department - If the evidence is related to a particular department, select the department from the drop-down list

Evidence Type - From the drop-down select whether the evidence is a file, text or a URL link

Title - Enter a title for the evidence

File - If you are adding a document as evidence, click on ‘Select File’ and choose the file you want to upload

When you have added all the information click 'Save’. Once the evidence has been added it will be displayed under the folder you have selected. The number of pieces of evidence contained in each folder will show next to the folder in brackets.

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