The interim review is where you can review a staff member's progression for the academic year, this guide shows you how to add an interim review to a staff member.
You can start adding an interim review to a staff member by first going to the Home page, and then navigating to the My Staff page. The rest of the process is outlined in the instructions below.
When on the My Staff page, click on the name of the person you wish to add an interim review for
Click on ‘Interim Review’
Then select ‘Add Interim Review’ on the right-hand side
Add the information for the interim review
Once the fields are filled in, click on 'Add' to save the interim review.
Interim Review Tabs
Details - Here write a title for the review, the date when the interim review took place
Objectives - Review the objectives that have been assigned to the staff member and how they have progressed with their objectives throughout the academic year using the drop-down to change the status if required. If the 'Show comments against objectives when closing reviews and in Interim Reviews?' setting is turned on (this can be found within the Review, General settings. You will be able to add comments for the objectives by selecting the + button if this setting is turned on.
Monitoring - Review any monitoring that has been assigned to the staff member
Standards - Review and rate how the staff member has been progressing with the standards assigned to them (if required)
Areas for Development - Review any areas that the staff member needs to focus on and change the status if required
CPD Activities - Review and CPD
Appraiser Comments and Appraisee - In both these sections you can add any key comments that were made during the meeting.