Performance objectives against a staff member are part of a Review against them.
This can be found in their Portfolio within the system.
To see performance objectives in the Portfolio go to the home page where a My Portfolio button should be on the top right of the screen.
Depending on how the system has been set up, a staff member may go straight to their Portfolio when they log into the system, for example, Teachers and Teaching Assistants will be sent straight to their portfolio without having to click on a My Portfolio button.
Viewing Objectives
Once in the portfolio, select Objectives in the menu on the left-hand side
The objectives will now be displayed.
The list is read-only unless the staff member viewing the portfolio has the relevant user rights to edit objectives.
To see actions against an objective, click on the + icon highlighted below,
The actions along with the status of each one will be displayed.
If the staff member has the relevant rights, the status can be changed against each one or the description of one edited by clicking on the text.
Adding an Action
To add a new action, click on the text Click to add Action.
Add a description for the action followed by the Due Date and finally, the status to indicate whether it is still in progress, complete or not complete.
Actions will automatically be saved when the text has been added.
Note that actions cannot be added to a completed review or, if a staff member does not have the rights to add them, the options will not be displayed.