When added to the system, standard objectives will automatically be shown in relevant roles when you start a new review.
Therefore, it is essential that before beginning the performance management cycle you set the standard objectives.
Pre-set objectives that can be allocated by role to staff members.
Adding and managing standard objectives can be done by navigating to the Objective Settings page. To get there you should enter the Settings menu on the left-hand side, then click the Review box dropdown and and select Objectives
From the Objective Settings go to Standard Objectives
If you want to add a Standard Objective, click on the Add Standard Objective button
Details Tab
This is where you will enter the mandatory information required to set an objective for a member of staff.
Type - This allows you to set the objective type to either Priority (Relating to a whole school's priorities) or Personal.
Objectives - Here you will need to outline the objective e.g., what needs to be achieved.
Performance Criteria - Here a short description is required detailing the performance criteria for the objective (what success would look like at the end of the cycle).
Roles - Select the roles that the objective applies to e.g., teaching assistants.
Allow the reviewer to edit this objective?
Finally, click on Add to save the objective.
Evidence Tab
This is where you will outline to staff members what type of evidence is required to demonstrate they are working towards the objective you have set. For example, evidence could be in the form of a lesson plan or student work etc.
Actions Tab
The action tab allows you to break down your objective into smaller more manageable actions. This will allow staff members to complete the objective you have set by working to pre-set actions set for the staff role.
Make Standard Objective inactive
When you no longer want to use a standard objective it can be archived by clicking on the Bin icon.
Editing a Standard Objective
If you want to edit the Standard Objective simply click on the edit pencil next to the Standard Objective.
Restoring a Standard Objective
If you wish to restore a Standard Objective select the inactive status in the status dropdown and then click the restore icon next to the standard objective you wish to restore.