How do I change the observer and details of a scheduled monitoring activity?



The following guide covers multiple methods of changing the observer and/or details of a scheduled monitoring activity. Each Action listed below describes the method of changing the requested details, as well as where to do it.


The details of a scheduled monitoring can be amended before taking place

The monitoring activity can be amended within the staff member portfolio or the My Reports section in the menu


Amending a scheduled monitoring activity in a Staff Member Portfolio

Click My Staff

Select and Click on the Name of the staff member to enter the review in the staff member portfolio

Click Monitoring

Click  Edit Pencil on the monitoring activity that needs amending. The activity can be removed by clicking the bin icon

Amend Focus, Date, Observer, Link To and Purpose

Click Save once the changes have been made

Amending a scheduled Monitoring activity using My Reports

Click My Reports

Click Monitoring

Click Edit Pencil of the monitoring activity that needs amending. The activity can be removed by clicking the bin icon

Amend Focus, Date, Observer, Link To and Purpose

Click Save


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