To add Improvement Plan objectives you should navigate to Improvement Plan from the sidebar on the left.
To add an objective, click Add Objective next to the sub-heading Results
Details Tab
Objective - Enter the desired outcome or goal, specifying what needs to be achieved
Lead - Choose the staff member who will take the lead on this objective
Success Criteria - Specify the measurable outcomes that will be used to gauge success
Start Date and Due Date - Indicate the beginning and end dates for the objective
Department - Select the department that the objective relates to or ‘Whole School’ if it relates to the school as a whole
Staff Tab
The Staff tab allows you to control staff members' access to this section of the plan. You can designate who can initially view it by checking their names. You also have the option to manage access to section details, funding information, and activity evidence using checkboxes on the right side of the screen.
You can use the Edit Staff Involvement icon within the staff tab to apply user rights to multiple staff members at once.
You can use the Copy Staff Members Rights icon within the staff to apply Objectives that have been used previously.
Priorities Tab
Select the priorities that the objectives are linked to.
Evaluation Tab
Here briefly outline how the objectives will be evaluated e.g., what evidence will be required to evaluate the impact? Or who will be involved in the evaluation?
Overall Impact Tab
Add whether the success criteria have been met and if the target has been achieved.
Notes Tab
The notes tab allows you to provide any additional information relevant to this section.
Requirements Tab
Here, you will be presented with a pre-defined Requirements list.
Once you have added all the correct objective information, click Save Objective.