Activities: This allows you turn off tabs against improvement plan activities.
Priorities: Here you will be able to add, edit and delete whole school priorities.
Requirements: Allows you to set improvement plan activities against the requirement types.
Funding Types: This allows you to input different types of funding available for CPD and the development plan.
Monitoring Types: This allows you to set a type against forms, and show them in separate sections within the reports and portfolio.
Status: This is where you can edit the titles of statues within the system, these can then be applied to staff objectives within the development plan to keep track of their progress.
Emails: Here you are able to turn on and off automated emails that the system sends out such as when an objective is updated or a new objective is assigned to you.
Email Reminders: This allows you to change the number of days before you get an email reminder prior to the task needing to be completed.