How to add a CPD Activity/Course to my review?



To add your own CPD you will need to have been assigned the relevant user rights.


To add a course or activity you will need to select My Staff from the main menu, then proceed to My Portfolio. From there you will go to CPD Activities/Courses and click on Add CPD Activity/Course.


Once you have gone through the Actions below, click 'Add' to submit the request for approval.


Details Tab

Title: Enter the course title

Description: Provide a brief description of the course

CPD Type: Choose the 'CPD Type' from the drop-down menu

Status: Select the most appropriate status, typically this will be 'Planned' for a 'CPD request', but the other options are 'Attended' or 'Not Attended'

CPD Category: Any requests default to a ‘CPD Requests' and course added will default to 'User Defined'

CPD Cost: Enter the costs associated with the course, whether it's per course or per person. If there is no cost, enter ‘0’

CPD Link: Include a link (if available) to the course you are requesting to attend

Date/Provider Tab

Provide the date of the course and the name of the course provider. Here you can also specify the number of days before the course to send a reminder to the line manager or CPD coordinators.

To add the provider use either the dropdown to select from existing providers in the system or click the + icon to add a new provider.

To add multiple dates click on the dates you want to add by moving through the calendar.

This can then be edited further by clicking on the Edit pencil icon, this will enable you to add the times for the CPD Activity/Course.

Then select Add to save the data.

Linked To Tab

If the CPD activity or course is linked to another area, check the tick box

Then use the drop-down menu to select the area the course is linked to

Impact Tab

This tab should be filled out after the course has taken place to provide feedback on how the course went.

Impact/Feedback: Describe the impact of the course on your professional development

Rating: Assign a rating using the star system

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